Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 14: Savior, Redeemer

A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

Painting by Greg Olsen

Savior, Redeemer of my soul,
Whose mighty hand hath made me whole,
Whose wondrous pow'r hath raised me up
And filled with sweet my bitter cup!
What tongue my gratitude can tell,
O gracious God of Israel.

Never can I repay thee, Lord,
But I can love thee.  Thy pure word,
Hath it not been my one delight,
My joy by day, my dream by night?
Then let my lips proclaim it still,
And all my life reflect thy will.

O'errule mine acts to serve thine ends.
Change frowning foes to smiling friends.
Chasten my soul till I shall be
In perfect harmony with thee.
Make me more worthy of thy love,
And fit me for the life above.

Hymn #112, Savior, Redeemer of My Soul

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Since you don't say where you want the "other (please specify)" option to specify, normally I have the sound on my computer muted, so you can keep the playlist or get rid of it, I like the playlist actually, a lot. Just normally am not listening to things on my laptop. Too busy listening for a baby... :)

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