Thursday, April 7, 2011

The latest Mormon-"ism"

I'm certainly not the first to be posting this; online Latter-day Saints are spreading our new meme like wildfire, and how joyous an experience it has been!  For those who haven't seen it, here is the footage from the end of Conference this past Sunday:

Every time I see this, I can't help but laugh my butt off and play it again.  Perhaps even better are all the jokes that are sprouting from this guy's fun little Conference moment.  Special thanks to two of my friends Sarah for pointing them out to me:

(More posters can be seen at LDS Friends.)

The famous Conference Smiler is one Daniel from Australia, who said of his moment on camera (via YouTube), "I stood up and saw the back of my head on the big screen so I thought the nice thing to do would be to smile, so I did."  Way to be, Daniel.  I'm glad you got to be here for Conference, and that you did smile at the camera--not just because I've gotten some great laughs from it, but because of the simple lesson you teach in that the Gospel is all about happiness.  At the very least, it brightened my day.


BHodges said...

hilarious on the Ensign cover!

The Warrior said...

Hahaha! Epic funny, right there. :-D

So two friends / Sara?

Nathan said...

Haha, Meaning two friends both named Sarah. :-P

The Warrior said...


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