Monday, June 20, 2011

Green River and Crystal Geyser


olde.fashioned said...

Wow, so much gorgeous scenery--it reminds me of a western! Or a postcard. (Maybe you should set up a CafePress shop!)

You're a smart man for not sending me that bug picture...

The Warrior said...

Way cool! That stuff isn't toxic to be around?


Nathan said...

Nope, it's perfectly safe. I mean, granted, you probably don't want to just stand above the spout sniffing fumes all day, but the river next to it is probably much more dangerous. :)

The Warrior said...

How about the orange stuff? Can you eat it?

Nathan said...

Haha, Well, eating it might not be too desirable, but at least as far as walking around and stuff, there's no danger. After I got home on Monday I wanted to know more about it myself, and learned that it's actually called "travertine"--basically a kind of limestone formed by rapid precipitation of calcium carbonate. It's used as a building material. Pretty cool. :)

(If you want to read more, I got my information here:

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