Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Scotch tape

So you're doing your math homework, minding your own business when all of a sudden... the hinges snap on your laptop's screen.  You do your best to sit and type carefully so the screen won't keep swinging around everywhere, but it's no use; that screen's not staying.  What do you do?!

The answer, my friends: Scotch tape.

Available add-ons include a second strap for the other side and reinforcement to the original for maximum holding power.  (I got both for an unbeatable price!)

Now I can do my homework in style and comfort.  Thanks, Scotch Tape Man!


Courtney said...

I recommend duct tape. Just as easy to use, yet much more durable!

Stephanie said...

Fantastic! I'm with Courtney though, duct tape may work a little better, plus you can get it in like a billion colors! My favorite is lime green :)

Stacy said...

lol! ooooh, maybe a new laptop is in order? haha :)

The Warrior said...

HAHAHAHAAA!!! Truly a Nathan solution!

Duct tape is silver. ONLY silver.

olde.fashioned said...

I lost it with your info-mercial man (at least that's how I imagine it) statement of "Available add-ons include a second strap for the other side and reinforcement to the original for maximum holding power. (I got both for an unbeatable price!)" *DIEZ*

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